Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Girl!!

Today is Brooklyn's 4th birthday!! I can't believe how much she is growing and changing :). Brooklyn,

Mommy and Daddy love you soooo much and we are so blessed that you belong with us. You make us laugh and you spoil us rotten with your big loving heart. You have taught us so much in the past few years! Thank you for all the help you give Mommy around the house, helping to look after your little brother and helping me with my hair and pretties every morning! I wouldn't look as good if I didn't have you ;). Mommy, Daddy and Austin all love you so much and hope you have a Wonderful day!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

OH NO!!!!!!

Well, Brooklyns birthday party is supposed to be on Monday and this is what I discovered this morning......CHICKENPOX!!!!!!!! This picture is Austin but I know Brooklyn will have it sooner than later. Despite the saddening news to Brooky that we have to cancel her party she was a very good sport,in fact I was more upset about it than she was. At least they are getting it over with now...I have heard how much worse it is to have it when your older.

Friday, January 11, 2008

BOGO at the Fullers.....just kidding

This is embarrassing and funny. I cleaned out our closet the other morning, and this is what I found!! I don't know how we collected so many shoes!! Especially considering that I only wear 3 specific pairs through the year :) Flip flops, Etnes and church shoes. Same with Ryan but he had a hard time parting with all his shoes so they ended back in the closet.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Austin Ryan Fuller :)

For quite some time now I have wondered if Austin might be behind or have some development issues, (with the nudge of a certain special Aunt) we decided to take him in to be tested for things like Austism or Speech Delay.
Today was the day of his appointment and I was very nervous due to almost 30 pages of paperwork to fill out about him I had become very overwhelmed with the thoughts of all that could be.
I am very fortunate to say that Austin is not Autistic. However he is at the level of a 22month old and is 34months old.He has also been diagnosed with a speech disorder, O.D.D (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) plus signs of A.D.H.D. We are going to get him started in speech therapy as soon as possible and get him ready to start assisted preschool in march when he turns 3. We are blessed each day to play such a big part in his life and love him very much.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Well, I feel like this blog is long overdue. For those of you reading I want you to know just how much I love and respect my Dad.
My memories of my Dad are filled with Saturday mornings in the garage, sharing grapefruit at the kitchen table, making applesauce cookies in the kitchen, brushing his hair while he slept in the recliner :) Saturday evenings watching Mash or Mr. Bean. Daddy daughter outings with 2 of my closest friends who had lost their dads, trips to St. Johns for Pioneers day every July and lots of hugs and "it will be OK"s He has supported me without a doubt in everything I do.
Now he has spent the last 3 or more years taking care of my dear step mother who is very ill . He has fed her,loved her, helped her to keep clean and has managed to do just about everything else for her and run a business plus take care full time of my Grandma. He is my hero and I am so proud of all that he is. I LOVE YOU DAD!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Putting away Christmas
