Thursday, February 7, 2008

10 Silly or weird things about myself

I was tagged and so I have to write a blog with 10 silly facts or goals about myself.

1. I only like Ice cold milk, so...I put ice in my milk but then have to drink it realy fast before the ice melts in it

2. I am still very afraid of monsters,ghosts, anything that could hide under my bed at night! Sometimes when I get up to check on my kids and go to get in my bed I have to run and jump so nothing from under the bed can get me! I know thats realy lame for a 25yr old with kids but it's the truth.

3. I hate birds, their sharp beeks and toenails and I dont like the fact that they fly either. ( Sorry Julie Ann)

4. I did not get my drivers liscense until I was about 21 yrs old. About a month after I got it my husband was in a motorcycle accident and couldnt drive for a long time.

5. I went to beauty school and graduated, just never went on to get my liscense.

6. 4 out of my 5 siblings in my family were adopted, and all 5 of us are musically talented.

7. I sing all the time, to my kids ,in the car, shower, everywhere ( but in puplic:)

8. I used to be very outgoing but I think my hubby's shyness has rubbed off on me over the years

9. My husband and I are exactly 2 months apart to the day. His is May 24th and mine July 24th

10. I love baked potatoes with sour cream and catsup on it (everyone I know says thats gross) and I love everything about pie except for the crust :)


Lindsay Nichole said...

i LOVE your baked potato combination. try it with BBQ sauce, it's delish.

Tami Ray said...

You forgot to mention the eggs and thousand island. LOL....You know I will never forget that. We don't forget anything like that....who am I?

Matilda said...

And I love you anyway!! See? What are big sisters for!??!