Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Fuller Family Frog

Well, since we moved in here there has been a little frog that stays right by our front door. My kids would ask about him, sing to him and say good night to him just about every night.
I loved how excited they were about him.
We even saved his life one night because he hopped right underneath Ryan's car as he was pulling up. We hadn't seen him for about a week when on Sunday we were all in the garage and Ryan pulled me aside and showed me what you see in this picture...he said he couldn't tell what it was but that it had been there for about a week and not moved. I looked closer and realized it was our frog! I quietly told Ryan that it was the frog and then he explained that one night getting home the poor little guy had hopped in the garage Ryan said he had tried for a long time to get it out, knowing it was unsafe for him but was not successful. I was so sad for my kids. Brooklyn went up to it and yelled "MOM! He is dead... AWE! That is so sad" Later she asked me if I was okay. (she is so sympathetic). Austin does not understand and still looks for his little friend everyday. I am half tempted to go find a frog and relocate it to our house, in hopes that it will stay :(


Matilda said...

You and your love of frogs...

Sorry about that.

AMBER said...

I just talked to tai. A bbq sounds fun! We need to exchange numbers still:)

Michelle McClure said...

AWWW...brookie is so sweet!

AMBER said...

I guess both!!! Do it!