Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Austin Ryan Fuller :)

For quite some time now I have wondered if Austin might be behind or have some development issues, (with the nudge of a certain special Aunt) we decided to take him in to be tested for things like Austism or Speech Delay.
Today was the day of his appointment and I was very nervous due to almost 30 pages of paperwork to fill out about him I had become very overwhelmed with the thoughts of all that could be.
I am very fortunate to say that Austin is not Autistic. However he is at the level of a 22month old and is 34months old.He has also been diagnosed with a speech disorder, O.D.D (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) plus signs of A.D.H.D. We are going to get him started in speech therapy as soon as possible and get him ready to start assisted preschool in march when he turns 3. We are blessed each day to play such a big part in his life and love him very much.


cinda said...

I love your blog. I am so excited for Austies future. Thanks for the "Holla".
Aunt Cin Cin

Kim Skinner said...

I'm glad you figured out what was going on...that makes the road ahead a little easier. You guys are awesome!

Michelle Bebe said...

I love Austie. I hope everything continues to get better and his future gets brighter!

Love ya!