Monday, January 7, 2008


Well, I feel like this blog is long overdue. For those of you reading I want you to know just how much I love and respect my Dad.
My memories of my Dad are filled with Saturday mornings in the garage, sharing grapefruit at the kitchen table, making applesauce cookies in the kitchen, brushing his hair while he slept in the recliner :) Saturday evenings watching Mash or Mr. Bean. Daddy daughter outings with 2 of my closest friends who had lost their dads, trips to St. Johns for Pioneers day every July and lots of hugs and "it will be OK"s He has supported me without a doubt in everything I do.
Now he has spent the last 3 or more years taking care of my dear step mother who is very ill . He has fed her,loved her, helped her to keep clean and has managed to do just about everything else for her and run a business plus take care full time of my Grandma. He is my hero and I am so proud of all that he is. I LOVE YOU DAD!!


Kim Skinner said...

How sweet are you?! Sounds like a great guy.

Matilda said...

POT!! You have to tell me how to do the cool background thing on my blog...

Michelle Bebe said...