Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Holliday Weekend

This is my In-Law's Cabin. It is a home away from home for all of us. The weather up there was amazing this weekend,it stayed in the 60's and 70's and there was tons of rain. Brooklyn stayed with my mom this weekend so Ryan and Austin and I went up. Ryan laid tile in his parent's master bathroom and his Aunt's kitchen while we were there. Austin self entertained himself for the entire weekend! It was nice.

He played on this and dug in rocks and got as dirty as possible.

This looks so uncomfortable but he played cars like this for hours.

And he went for rides with Grandma Fuller.
We had a good time, I really was sad to go. We look forward to the next getaway!


Brenda said...

heather this is melissa nevitt your family is so cute. it's been a long time. if you want call me sometime. i lost your number so here is mine...928-965-2684. i would love to hear from you. melissa

Shelley & Scott said...

oh, i love it up there. i haven't been in years. looks like you guys have so much fun. one year for my birthday in march scott and i went up and stayed in uncle tinky's cabin for the weekend. it was still winterized so we had no water or tv but it was one of my favorite weekends ever.