Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have been tagged!

5 things on my to do list

1. Get my house looking like our home
2.Get family pictures taken
3. Get Ryan's B-day gift
4. Go through Brooklyn's clothes
5. Lose more weight

5 places I have worked

1. Deluxe Carpet Cleaning (sales)
2. Great Clips
3. Contempo Portraits
4. Einstein's Bagels
5. Childtime

5 favorite foods

1. wings
2. sweet pork salad at Costa Vida
3. crumbly blue cheese salad at Paradise Bakery
4. tomato soup
5. chocolate

5 places I have lived

1. Oceanside , CA
2. Mesa, AZ
3. Lehi, AZ
4. Gilbert, AZ
5. Queen Creek, AZ

5 things you may not know about me

1. I quit wearing high heels after falling in a pair while holding Austin.
2. I drool :).. when I sleep.. lol! ( I know this ones gross, but I can't help it :(
3. I love shopping for my kids more than myself
4. I hate flying
5. I like ice in my milk

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire

1. buy a home upfront
2. savings accounts for kids
3. help family
4. travel
5. shop

I tag whoever wants to be tagged :)


Erin said...

Heather that is so funny! I never knew that you lived in Cali, let alone Oceanside! That is where my hubby and his family grew up! Small world! Hope you are doing well!

Holly Janeen said...

happy late anniversary!!!
you are such a babe!
what a cute blog you have :)