Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today is Ryan's Birthday!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! YOU HOT HOT MAN!!! Ryan is 26 today and in my opinion is farther along in life and his career than most 26 year old men are. He is hard working and motivated. He is the funniest person I have ever known,seriously! For those of you that haven't gotten to experience the not so shy at all Ryan,your missing out! I just wanna say, thank you Shanna Fuller for my husband. I can't imagine my life without him. I love you Ryan and every year that passes I believe we grow closer and stronger than ever.
P.S. We should all try and convince him to grow his hair out! Look at that luscious thick head of hair!!!!


taytum said...

I always like a full head of hair. He should totally grow it out again. I never would have guessed he was so dark headed!

AMBER said...

All I can say is..."it's a Sabatage!" Ha ha I don't even know If I have ever laughed SO hard. It was starting to hurt. Happy Birthday Ryan. Hope you had a fun B'day! Thanks for hanging out with us!!

Michelle Bebe said...

Happy Birthday, Ryan!